Friday, October 28, 2011

Example: Small Javascript library

In jQuery you can call a function like $.ajax() and insert an object inside of it and each property does an action. Below I have simplified an example to demonstrate how this works.

//create the library
var lib = {
sum: function(num){ //create a method
var num1 = num.a;
var num2 = num.b;
this.result = num1 + num2;
table: 'table' //this is a random property, its not necessary

//call a method and create an object inside of it to send data to the library
a : 1, //these are the properties that will be processed
b : 4
alert(lib.result); //output 5

//above is similar to the jQuery AJAX below
var data = $('#input').val();
url:"models/post.php", //these are the properties that will be processed
type: "post",
data: ({name:data, age:'15'}),

jQuery Deconstructed is a rather nice way to look through the source. You will learn alot by studying it.

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